Infants 6-12 months learn survival floating.  Babies first learn  breath control and are then taught correct floating postures, and the skills to remain floating for varied periods of time, from varied positions in the water.

Children 12 months to 6 years learn to swim- float- swim.  Your child will learn breath control and how to turn around in the water to secure the edge.  He will then learn to swim through the water, rollback-to-float, and how to flip over to swim again...this sequence can be repeated until safety is reached.

For students to learn these life-saving skills students will attend lessons Monday-Friday, 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks.

Let's work together to make sure "Not One More Child Drowns"

Survival Swim Naples

​Proud Provider of ISR Self-Rescue® 

**All photos are strictly copyrighted and property of Heather Redmond and ISR. Photos cannot be printed, copied or distributed without permission**