Survival Swim Naples

​Proud Provider of ISR Self-Rescue® 

Hello and thank you for wanting to get to know me better!

I grew up here in Naples and is as "local" as you can get. I graduated from Naples High in hopes of becoming someone that can make a difference in this town by helping others. As I attended Edison Community College I started to really knuckle down on how I could achieve my passion and so the search began. 

While attending college I worked as a PT technician at a local Physical Therapy clinic and a co-worker had showed me an amazing video of his daughter performing survival skills in the pool. I was just in complete amazement and didn't realize kids at such a young age could learn these life-saving skills! So knowing we had a pool along with our pool fence we as a family wanted more safety implemented and fast!

We then enrolled our boys and an opportunity arose for me to become an instructor here in my area and of course I jumped right on that opportunity without hesitation! I can truly say that I have found my calling and man does it feel good! I LOVE how I can help families in my community and to make sure the students I teach these life-saving skills too are exceptional aquatic problem solvers.

I truly hope I can be a great fit for your family and I look forward to working with you!